Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I Fell in a Well

and other excuses why I am late to work.

What? You've never used that one? Hmm... must be just me. Because yes, this is the SECOND time I've fallen into that well. Actually, if you want to be technical it is just an access pit now, as the remainder of the well has been filled in but it sounds SOOO much more dramatic to say I fell in a well. Anyhow, the first time I fell I was sort of in the middle so I ended up with my body down in the well and my arms sort of parallel bar like on the boards on the sides. When that happened I was a little shaken up, but had no real injuries. This time, I was not so lucky.

I know it doesn't look like much... but trust me when I tell you.. IT HURTS!! Let's try a little experiment. Take your hand and karate chop the front of your shin. Come on... I'll wait. I'm not going anywhere.... You did it, didn't you? You guys are SUCH DORKS!! Anyhow... it hurts... doesn't it? And it doesn't take much force to make it hurt. Now imagine the weight of your whole body crashing into the brick side of a well. I don't seem like such a weenie now do I?

The picture up top is from last night and the one below that is from this morning. It's starting to bruise below the cut and so I could have some really cool colors by the end of this week!! (I'll spare you any more pictures!!) ;-)


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should think about making that a little more sturdy... goofball!