Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Dungeon

Well, I did it... I broke down and showered in the dungeon. That is the name we have affectionately given to the "bathroom" (and I use that term loosely) in our basement. Ya know what... it wasn't that bad. It was sort of like showering at camp. Not that I would want to do that on a regular basis, but in emergencies such as this desperate times call for desperate measures.

Now if you breath a word of that to my husband I will hunt you down and torture you immensely. He is still fixing the upstairs bathroom, in fact all that is left is to caulk the seams, and then I will post pictures. So... as far as he knows it was a horrible awful experience that I only did under extreme duress.... k?


Tink said...

Omg. That's seriously scary looking. You should install chains for the full effect. :)

Lynanne said...

YIKES! Though the chains might get you some pretty interesting questions about your basement "activities" LOL