Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Part Four - The Conclusion

So, where does all of this end? As it turns out the forgery charges that Jane was charged with were for a credit card that she had stolen so she has yet to be charged with anything relating to their checks.

Detective D. called Hobby Lobby but they do not have video cameras and several of the other places the check amounts were not big enough to prosecute. So, at this point Detective D. says the only way to charge them is to get one of them to confess to taking and/or using the checks. Fat chance huh?

Thus far Jane has shown up for all of her preliminary hearings so she has not been thrown back in jail. Who knows what will become of her and her son now that her husband is safely behind bars. And speaking of her husband, he is in jail with no bond, but there is a bond review hearing set for the 18th of December. We can only hope the judge in that matter is smart enough to realize a flight risk when he sees one.

And as for Jack and Jill? Their house is now locked up like Fort Knox whenever they leave. Jill has lost a little piece of that country innocence and trust in people and that makes her sad. Right now they are not out any money as all of the Big Bank stuff was finally rectified. However, what they are out is possibly more important.

It has taken Jill two or three days in total to deal with all of this. That is two or three days of personal time that she does not get to use this summer to be with her son. And that, that angers her the most of all.

In the end it comes down to what Mark Twain once said:

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

Jack and Jane attempted to help out their fellow man and were in turn "bitten" for their troubles. Next time an opportunity presents its self for them to help someone they may be much more skeptical and less willing to help. I'm not sure if that is societies loss or theirs. I guess only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Heather, that sucks. It sounded like an absolute nightmare for you and Jake to have to deal with. I'm glad it seems to be mostly over with, but I'm very sad that you've lost that innocence in such a hard way. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Heather, thank you for sharing your story. I am glad you guys are OK physically though I hate what it has done to you mentally and emotionally. Keep us updated on the case.

Tink said...

What a nightmare! I am so sorry you went through this. I know it's going to take a long time to recover from. I hope they get what they deserve.