Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Where have I been?

Nesting people... nesting.

Who would have thought that all of those people weren't kidding when they told me I would have this uncontrollable urge to have things in perfectly pristine order right this minute or everything would be ruined and the baby will surely be irreparably damaged?

So, for about a week and a half now I have been cleaning out drawers and cupboards. The DAV people came and took 5 boxes, 2 bags of clothes and an end table today. I think I will have more by next week.

I have washed every piece of clothing that we have for the baby up through 12 months. I have washed all of the hooded towels and wash cloths. Receiving blankets and other blankets. I have sterilized every plastic toy that we have gotten second hand with clorox wipes and placed them all in their sorted little cubes.

On top of all of that Jess has been over trying to get the baby's room in order and I have been trying to keep up on the regular household cleaning. I have discovered that cleaning up after my husband is a lot like shoveling your driveway in the middle of a blizzard. You move some things and it looks nice for a little while but inevitably more stuff just piles in the same place as before. WOULD IT PLEASE STOP SNOWING ALREADY??

So... I hope all of you are well and hopefully in another week or two I will have nothing left to clean, or I will be so big and uncomfortable that I will just give up. Either way... I hope not to be away for too much longer!!


KK's Mom said...

Hi Heather! I think I'm going to cut and paste the paragraph about cleaning up after your husband right into my blog! Seriously! I've lurked for a while, but have been meaning to post to see if it would be okay if I link to your blog from mine. Always like to ask first. :)

I am so excited for your little guy to be born. I loved being pregnant and now being a mommy, but mine is "already" 15 months old, so I'm re-living preganacy vicarously through you. I'm going to be looking for LOTS of pictures once Baby Hamilton comes along!

Enjoy nesting!

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard at the comment about cleaning up after a guy. What a perfect comparison! Just wait until you have two in the house!

Trust me, though, you won't get too big and uncomfortable for nesting-type cleaning. You will be amazed at the things you will do up until the last minute. Baseboards in the baby's room? Suddenly you will see dust that wasn't there before.

My husband compared me to an overturned turtle -- I'd get down to the floor but not be able to get back up again.

Anonymous said...

I like that over turned turtle analogy - I always think of myself as a "weeble wobble" - I cannot seem to bend over very far before I have to go upright again!