Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How good are your company outings?

In looking for something to post about today I stumbled upon this story.

Executive Disputes $241,000 Strip Club Bill

What I find interesting about this is not the fact that they are disputing the bill. It is the fact that

According to the lawsuit, McCormick admits spending about $20,000, but no more. The company said he's "the victim of fraud."

Now maybe as an accountant I think of things a little differently than the rest. (No wise cracks we all know I'm a little different!!) But if one of the people around here had tried to use a company credit card to pay for strippers I just don't think it would fly. I highly doubt we could claim $10 let alone $20,000 as a legitimate business expense.

What his company should have been saying is hope you aren't too attached to your paychecks because we will be deducting this amount from all further checks until it is paid back. As it is, it appears that the uproar created when this story broke has caused them to at least re-think his position. As of 8:00 p.m. last night

the company announced that he was on an unpaid leave of absence and that the audit committee had launched an investigation.


Anonymous said...

Okay,Family meddlers!!!Stop spredding dirt! IT si my turn to talk finally!!Mind your own lives and stop assuming things about Jake and Heather!Look at your own worlds first and faults----Afraid to TALK face to Face??? Squash rumours!!Someone is not stupid,a Meth head etc!!!get over it!!!What goes around comes around you'all!!!Heather,I think you are awesome for sticking by your man!!

Heather said...

Thank you!! I wish I knew who you were, but either way. Thank you. I appreciate it!!
