Friday, October 07, 2005

New Bow

Okay, I know I have been a HORRIBLE blogger lately! I can explain, I promise. The project that was supposed to take me one week is now finishing up its second week. When I am out at the client I usually only stop long enough to wolf down my PB&J and then continue working. When I get home, I have been bringing the stuff home, so I am working. However, trust me... there is really not anything all that exciting happening in our lives. You are not missing much.

The only thing we have done in the past week, besides work and sleep, is get Jake a new bow. He has been talking to me about it for about two months now and like most of our hunting (i.e. sell our first born child to afford purchases) I have been putting him off. However, last weekend was opening weekend of bow season so it was pretty much now or never.

Since we refinanced our house last month, we get to skip a house payment this month so I figured if we were ever going to have the money to afford it, now would be the time. So, on Saturday we headed out to the bow shop with the intention of buying a medium grade bow. However, when we got to the bow shop we discovered that this bow had what they call the glo sight. Which has a plastic casing (Jake is hard on things... plastic is not our friend!)

It also had an arrow rest that was just two metal prongs, which means if you turn the bow and arrow sideways at all the arrow can fall from it's position. (I was told this is not so great)

So, that meant we needed to "upgrade" to get him some better features. Upgrade... such a harmless word, such an expensive price tag...

I was also told that the bow was a higher quality (although this could have been just for my benefit). For the price increase I hope it was just not the two accessories that were different. And speaking of accessories... now we had a bow picked out, but you can't hunt with JUST the bow. No, no... we needed arrows and not just any arrows, special arrows cut to the correct length (called the draw length).

We also needed an arm guard to protect his arm from the flying string should he hold the bow in not such a correct position and have the misfortune of catching his arm upon release. (I was also told that this will help keep his bulky clothing in when he is sitting in the tree stand in 10 degree weather)

A stabilizer. This goes on the front of the bow and makes it so the bow stays in a correct shooting position without you having to grip too tightly to the handle. Why you wouldn't just hold tightly onto the handle is beyond me. I was just told that he required one of these.

Finally, there is the trigger release. Gone are the days of pulling back the string with your hands and releasing. No, now you tie another string to your string in a loop like so...

Then you hook a clip to that loop and pull back. Then when you want to shoot you pull a trigger, just like shooting a gun.

Needless to say, the accessories for this bow made our medium grade bow go up a couple of notches. So, now, I present to you... the bow. In all of it's bow glory!!


Anonymous said...

I would be saying... Happy Birthday- Merry christmas and happy anniversary!!! ALL IN ONE!! Not just for paying for it... but for having to stand there and look at all of this incredibly boring stuff! :)

So -- you know that you just bought your way into being a hunting widow!