Monday, August 20, 2007

One question...

So, I just have a quick question for everyone out there...
Who is this child?
And what did you do with my baby???


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that tends to happen, they get cuter and bigger, but the cuteness tends to wear off the first time they wake you in the middle of the night puking up the supper you fed them....there's nothing like that for an alarm clock!! :) he's a really good looking kid!!

Jessica said...

Did you get your hair cut?

Heather said...

Nope, it's pulled back and what you see are just the little pieces falling out of the ponytail. I'm going to get it cut on Thursday... what should I do with it??

Jessica said...

Ummm....If they don't get those buzzy things out it's too long???
Like husband like wife.....TeHe! :)

I don't know....I kind of like the school teacher cut! :) - LOL

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Love it! You two are so sweet!