Monday, May 08, 2006

Work Lurkers

I was just recently informed that some people from my work have found my blog and have read it. Now for the most part I don't really care. I have never been to secretive about the fact that I have a blog and if they would have just asked I probably would have told them the address. I think the part that I find weird is that they are reading about my life and I didn't know it.

I learned early on from Dooce not to post anything about work so I think I'm fairly covered there. It does, however, make me re-think what I'm posting about our fertility issues. For instance, should I find out (by some freak chance) that I actually got pregnant, I'm not sure at what stage I would feel comfortable posting about it. I would want to at least be able to tell my boss before I become the center of office gossip!!

So, how many of you have found out later that you know some of your lurkers?


Anonymous said...

So who are the Lurkers? And how did you find out?

Jen said...

I found out about lurkers who know me not because they told me they found my blog, but because I figured it out from Statcounter. I didn't really mind them knowing, as these were people who already knew I had fertility problems, but it definitely bothered me that they were reading without telling me. It's made me extra careful when it comes to posting about real world acquaintances and co-workers.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually post anything about work or people I work with for that reason. A lot of people know I blog and I would actually prefer if they didn't tell me they read. Otherwise, I would most likely censor a little too much.

Bob said...

I like to rant about the ex, it's good therapy for me. Until he sent his mom, his family, and several of his lovers, current and past. That quickly became a hate-fest, but I had a hard time NOT blogging about my frustrations, so now I have a really anonymous blog. Exept to people who I've expressly invited.

OMH said...

I had a co-worker walk up to me (understand I'm the only girl in the office) and say what would it mean if I said "To the moon and back" - which is what I always say to my kids and grandkids as in "I love you to the moon and back" Anyway it really freaked me because I made a comment on someone elses blog stating I say that. He was laughing and said that he had googled my name.........why would you google someone you work with name? freaky!

Tink said...

I could understand them finding you if you posted your full name, but you don't. SO... How exactly did they find your blog??

#1 Dancer said...

The only person that ever found me was my husband and that was because my BFF had linked me to her blog. Her husband found me and then told my husband. I was prepared for that and had created a special blog for him to read if he did find it.
I did check my site stats the other day and found out that someone had googled my new company name and found me that way. I don't want my business partner to know about my blog. She may have already found me, but I guess I can't keep hiding 'my dark side' from her my whole life. We're business partners. She needs to know that I swear and that I have had procreation issues!

Anonymous said...

It's pretty dang easy to find people online. I found a heck of a lot of people I know who use blogger just by perusing all the people with the same home state as me. I wasn't looking for them. I stumbled onto them.


First off, get a free sitetracker like Then you can see the location and ip and referring page (if any) of visitors.

Second, after 3 years I finally ditched blogger and went to You have the ability to privatize posts with any password of your choosing and you can give the password to friends. Also, you have the ability when you set up your blog so that it is never search engines. You can do this with blogger if you look up the code at google to get search engines to ignore it, however everything you've already posted will still be out there. If you move your blog, email the people you want to know. Anyone else, if they really want to know, they can email you and ask. :) Good luck with your lurkers.