Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Birthday!!

Today is Jake's 25th birthday. A quarter of a century... isn't he old?? I, being the horrible wife that I am, forgot to wish him a happy birthday when he left for work today!! Eeek!!

I gave him his presents yesterday, we went out to dinner with my parents and sister for his birthday last night, it just didn't cross my mind until about 9:30 that yesterday was not his birthday, today was. When I called him to wish him happy birthday, he told me he didn't remember until he got to work, so he wasn't feeling too bad about me being a few hours late with my greetings.

Anyhow... Happy Birthday Jake!! Hope your day is wonderful!!


Tink said...

You still celebrated it so TECHNICALLY you didn't forget. I'm a firm believer that our brains are not meant to hold all the crap we put into it :). I'm only 22 (23 in January) and I've been telling people for 4 months that I'm 23. It finally dawned on me a few weeks ago. Pathetic. That information must have been pushed out to make room for all those useless facts friends keep telling me in bars.

Such as: Did you know that a banana is really an herb?

Anonymous said...

Wow, a quarter of a century. Amazing! Thought about Jake all day. Hope he a good one!!