Thursday, August 03, 2006

Random Musings

When I wake up now I no longer wake up feeling ill. Now I wake up feeling hungry. Not, hmm I should get something to eat hungry. It's more of a feed me earthling before I gnaw off your arm and feed it to the alien child.

Since I'm kind of attached to my arm, my usual routine now consists of getting out of bed and heading straight for the kitchen. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Sit, stuff face, ask questions later.


On Monday Jake and I went to the grocery store. Yes he went with me. No it was not by choice. There are certain isles of the grocery store which have not been my friend in the past and so until I am certain that I feel better I need him to brave the smelly coffee isle to retrieve the lemonade. Things of such nature.

Anyhow, in the car I got the same lecture he always give me when I make him go to the store. Now no looking around. We go in, we get what we need and we get out. It's 7:15 and I want to be back in the car before 8:00.

I have NEVER been shopping with someone that SLOW in my entire life!! He must have taken 10 minutes to decide on what flavors of canned fruit he wanted to get to take for lunch. Every item was a major decision. Do I get the white string cheese or the white and yellow string cheese? Wait, what about this kind of cheese... do they have that anywhere? By the time we left I think we had been there an hour and a half and our total bill was close to $200.

I made it through every isle this time without gagging. Perhaps next time I shall go alone!!


Last night I listened to the baby's heartbeat. Every time I have listened before it has been a woosh, woosh, woosh sound. Last night the heartbeat was REALLY loud at times and when it got really loud and I got the doppler in the right place his/her heartbeat changed.

I could now hear Ka-thunk, Ka-thunk, Ka-thunk, just like a regular heartbeat. I suppose that this means that my little munchkin is getting bigger. I'm not ready for bigger. What happened to my little peanut? I'm 16 weeks pregnant and already I'm wanting him/her to stop growing so fast. Why didn't anyone tell me it started this early?


Speaking of growing up, I was reading a magazine yesterday and it was talking about talking to your children about sex. How kids don't always ask questions at the most appropriate times and how to deal with situations, etc.

Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. This baby is going to grow up. I'm responsible for shaping the development of an entire person. What if I screw it up? This little one isn't even here yet, they haven't even started crossing any milestones like say breathing AIR, and already I'm trying to make sure I'm prepared for their future.

I think I need more chocolate!!


Anonymous said...

One milestone at a time. no need to worry about all of them at once. Like you said... lets at least get to the point where you feel them kick... than to labor, and delivery... THAN you can worry about things like is he getting enough food? Why is his poop that color? Should I take him into the doctor for this or should I wait?

Oh yeah.. the sex talk is down the road a bit...

Anonymous said...

Yep, just take it one at a time. You'll be surprised at how you just kind of fall into things. Naturally, we haven't had a sex talk with P yet (he is only 2 1/2), but he's well aware that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina (which reminds me of Kindergarten Cop), and that Mama is a girl and Daddy and P are boys. Because we had to explain that--he noticed anatomical differences nearly a year ago and we figured "Either we lie to him and pretend there's no difference, or we tell him the truth and don't make a big deal of it." The second one was definitely the better choice. I anticipate doing the same things later on for most situations.

Just one at a time. Keep that as your mantra. And if you figure out a way to keep them small for a while longer, let me know.