Monday, March 20, 2006


No, just the side effects of the Clomid. I think maybe I should have paid more attention to the informational literature. On Friday I finished my 5th and final dose of 100mg Clomid. The repercussions of this have been really fun, let me tell you.

It started of course with the emotions. I’m not having mood swings, per say, I’m just really emotional. I cry at the drop of a hat. I watched Princess Diaries 2 and he told her he loved her, I cried. I watched Father of the Bride and they had a baby, I cried. I hear a song with good lyrics, I cry. Are you getting the point? It is just one more step until I am standing in the grocery store weeping because the tomatoes are just SOO beautiful….

On top of the crying has been the hot flashes. I am someone who is continually cold. I always tell people Jake could be hot in an igloo and I could be cold in the dessert. However with the added help of the Clomid not only am I cold, but I have these random flashes where I just want to rip my clothing off and run outside. (Not all that practical for a work situation) So about three or four times per day I will have to shut off my heater and step away from my desk so as to avoid sweating profusely and passing out. (If I pass out can I go home? Maybe I should re-think the stepping away thing……)

I also have hideous acne. I have had it since I went off of birth control, but it has just continually gotten worse since going on the Clomid. For some reason almost all of the acne has planted it’s self under my chin and on my neck. When I was in high school and I had acne it was never in those places, now that’s where it seems to have taken up residency. Let’s just say turtle-necks have become my clothing of choice. Do you think it would look funny if I was wearing a turtle neck in July??

This weekend I got another new side effect to add to my list. Nose bleeds. Now there is a fun one. Especially when you have a cold. I can’t not blow my nose, but I never know what to expect when I do. So now, I have to go to the bathroom to blow my nose, just in case it starts to bleed. At least I’m getting some exercise, what with all the walking because of hot flashes and walking to blow my nose. (I’m trying to put a positive spin on things.)

I think the worst part about most of these things is that there are only two or three people here at work who know that we are trying to have a baby, and more importantly that I have to take these awful hormones to attempt to get there. To everyone else I’m just the poor girl with the late onset of adult acne who seems to wander aimlessly through the office two or three times a day. They must be just shaking their heads thinking I have finally gone crazy.

Ha-Ha, joke’s on them. I was already there.


Anonymous said...

Aahhhh, the wonderful world of hormones. Don't ya love it? lol

Tink said...

Omg girl! That's awful. The shit we women do to ourselves. I'm praying for you. Hang in there.

#1 Dancer said...

I don't get it! I'm not on Clomid and, in the past year and a half (strangely coinciding with our failed attempts at conception) I have experienced all those things. I sometimes cry while listening to the most random songs - Mayberry?? Who cries listening to Mayberry?? - and night sweats and hot flashes and oooooh, the acne. I tell people I finally hit puberty - at age 28. I just don't get it. Crossing fingers and praying for a successful month for you!!