Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Unwanted Comments

Today I went to get my hair cut, because who doesn't feel better after a good hair cut? (I know... mid afternoon during tax season... what can I say, I'm just adventurous like that) As I was sitting in the chair my hairdresser and I were chit chatting. I was getting her caught up on the struggles we are having and I mentioned that I had just started my second round of Clomid.

From across the room I hear, "I was on Clomid.... but I don't have any babies."

Um... yeah... could have gone the rest of my day without that comment, thanks...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Nice. Why would someone interject that in a conversation that they were not invited into? Some People!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure there wasn't something you could have spouted out that would have been equally as rude such as:....oh I better not!

See Heather I am trying!

Tink said...

I would have said, "Bitter much? Maybe you didn't get any babies because you're a prig who gets off making people as miserable as you are." But then again I'm just in one of those moods lol.

Keep heart girl. Don't let negative comments like that get you down.

Finding My New Normal said...

Gre-e-e-e-a-a-a-t. Thanks for sharing. Sheesh. Some people's kids.

Robber Barren said...

Nothing like a little encouragement to brighten your day, huh?