Friday, March 24, 2006

Surprising News

Coworker: Well my wife just called and she peed in a cup and it turned the right color. I think I'm going to be a dad again.

Me: congratulations. That's really exciting!!

Coworker: Yeah, we calculated the due date and it falls on her parents anniversary. All I can say is at least it's not during tax season...

Running through my head... what the hell are they going to say about me? Ooops... don't care.....


Coworker: So, I think I'm going to have another baby, we are going to the doctor at 10:00 to have it confirmed

Partner: Well that is good news, although it will cut into your year end planning... (smile on face, somewhat joking)

Coworker: Yeah, but at least it's not during tax season

Partner: My son was born on March 12th. I only got one day off and when I got in I found one of those vet wheels that tell you the due date of different animals hanging from my door... (laughing....)

Running through my head... oh shit... maybe this due during tax season won't go over as well as I though. Nope... still don't care.....

I think I've successfully made it past feeling guilty about this. What do you think?


Tink said...

I think you're crazy to have even let the thought cross your mind. :)

Anonymous said...

who is having a baby again?