Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Creative Cleaning

On Monday I asked Jake to help me with some cleaning around the house (oh the travesty!!) because we had to clean before we could use the Roomba. Seems kind of counter productive doesn't it? One of the things I asked him to do was to clean the kitchen counter. When I came downstairs I noticed that the vacuum was running. As I walked into the kitchen I saw that my husband, creative genius that he is, was vacuuming our kitchen counters.

In case you are wondering, he was not using the dust buster. He was using the actual floor vacuum. It looks something like this. When I asked him why he told me he didn't want to get crumbs on the floor.

I got to tell ya, he gets and A for effort and creativity on this one!!


Anonymous said...

Bravo Jake!! How funny!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather!!!! Your bolg reminds me of the commercial where the dad has the kids while mom works...He cleans the floor with a leaf blower,uses a whole box of soap for the laundry,etc.The kids always reply-- mom doesn't do it like that.Men always taking shortcuts LOL LOL So how is the roomba??It would make our menagerie freak. Well,I'm relaxing after working out at the gym.I go now 5 times a week.Take care

Ditsy Chick said...

Yeah, men are creative when it comes to cleaning.