Friday, February 03, 2006

Creative Cleaning

Welcome to another episode of creative cleaning with Jake!!

Wednesday night when I got home I asked Jake where the paper plate holders were. To which he replied, "I washed them." And then he started to laugh.

As I opened up the dishwasher this is what greeted me.....

If you will look closely you will see that on the top rack we have (in no particular order) A cookie sheet, two coffee cups, a two glasses, the spoon holder from the stove and a sponge....

Yes, that's right, a sponge. When I asked him why he washed the sponge off the mop instead of just throwing it away and replacing it with the new one that is under the sink he replied, "Because I'm cheap." To which I began to laugh hysterically!! This is the man that can go into a gas station to buy a pop and come out with $10 worth of candy and crap!!

Now, on the bottom rack there was another cookie sheet (this one blocked the flow of water to the top rack so nothing up there really got clean), the paper plate holders, a pair of scissors, a can opener, a few odds and ends, and my personal favorite... the sink rack that we used to dry dishes in.

When I asked about this one his reply was, "It was dingy!! There's bacteria there you know!!"

Of course !! Why didn't I think of that??


Lynanne said...

Oh too funny!!! I love the cookie sheet! That would be my husband's trick. He once put a bowl over the center sprayer. LOL!

Bob said...

This is hilarious.
Thank you.
My first visit will not be my last, you are officially blog-rolled.

red fish said...

I'm empathizing with your husband.

My husband is the dishwasher loader of the family, and is much better at it than I. As a kid my sister used to berate me on my lack of ability "properly" load the dishwasher. I was happy to let her do it. Nowadays, Hubby loads, I unload.

I confess, just yesterday I asked hubby if it was OK to put a sponge in the dishwasher. (I had just cleaned the toilet and thought the sponge could use some sanitation.) He said no.

Are there classes to learn this stuff? Help!

(I'm going to thank Bob for the link to your site. It won't be my last visit either.)

Anonymous said...

Oh Jake! He entertains me. What will he think of next?